Category: Business

  • Panikattacken sind keine Herzinfarkte

    Panikattacken sind keine Herzinfarkte

    Panikattacken können sehr beängstigend sein und werden oft als Herzinfarkt fehlinterpretiert. Dies kann dazu führen, dass Menschen sich in der Notaufnahme behandeln lassen. Eine Psychotherapie kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Panikattacken zu verstehen und zu bewältigen. Es kann Ihnen auch beibringen, zu erkennen, dass Ihre Paniksymptome nicht gefährlich sind. Symptome Während einer Panikattacke verspürt eine Person…

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  • Ma Prime Adapt 2023

    Ma Prime Adapt 2023

    Les travaux d’adaptation de la maison à l’âge et au maintien en place contribuent à améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes âgées et leur permettront de vivre longtemps à domicile dans un confort optimal. Cependant, le choix d’un programme, particulièrement pour une entreprise d’aménagement d’habitation, peut être difficile (critères d’eligibilité, demarches à réaliser). Dans…

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  • Parodontite et gingivite

    Parodontite et gingivite

    La gingivite est le stade précoce de la maladie des gencives. Si elle n’est pas traitée, elle peut entraîner une parodontite. À ce stade, les bactéries se sont infiltrées sous les gencives et ont commencé à détruire les os et les tissus qui soutiennent les dents. Les symptômes comprennent des gencives rouges, gonflées ou sensibles ;…

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  • Lilo and Stitch Teddys

    Lilo and Stitch Teddys

    Lilo and Stitch is a film about ohana and finding the one true place you belong. It was made far from Disney headquarters in Burbank, by a close-knit group of artists who wanted to show they could do more than the hand-drawn princesses of the past. During the scenes where Nani and Stitch are talking,…

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  • Clinique d’hygiène dentaire

    Clinique d’hygiène dentaire

    Clinique d’hygiène dentaireUne clinique d’hygiène dentaire est un endroit où vous pouvez vous rendre pour vous faire nettoyer les dents, passer un examen buccal ou passer des radiographies dentaires. Ces services sont offerts au public à un coût réduit. Ils sont dispensés par des étudiants en hygiène dentaire supervisés par des hygiénistes dentaires et des…

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  • Dental Hygiene Clinic at BridgeValley College

    Dental Hygiene Clinic at BridgeValley College

    Dental hygienists are licensed healthcare professionals who work in a variety of settings. While most hygienists choose to practice in a dental office with a dentist, others work independently in a clinic or mobile/home offices. Regardless of setting, hygienists are able to perform a variety of preventive and restorative services in order to help patients…

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  • How to Use Professional Resume Examples to Stand Out From the Crowd

    How to Use Professional Resume Examples to Stand Out From the Crowd

    Professional resume examples provide a roadmap to help you create a customized, eye-catching job application. Whether you’re a new graduate or an experienced professional, resume examples can inspire you to show off your career achievements in fresh and creative ways. However, it’s important to remember that a resume isn’t just a document that showcases your…

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  • Why You Should Book a Gas Boiler Service

    Why You Should Book a Gas Boiler Service

    When you’re paying for central heating, it’s worth ensuring the system is working as efficiently as possible to keep costs down. One of the best ways to do this is to book a gas boiler service, which helps catch any small faults before they escalate into bigger ones. The price of a gas boiler service…

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  • How to Choose a Fire Pump Manufacturer

    How to Choose a Fire Pump Manufacturer

    Fire pumps are essential for fire protection systems. They can be used to help prevent fires from spreading, and to pump water from the building’s occupants. But how can you choose the best fire pump Manufacturer? The best fire pump Manufacturers offer a wide range of products and solutions. They also prioritize innovation and quality.…

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  • The Truth About the Skin Whitening Injection

    The Truth About the Skin Whitening Injection

    The injection promises increased energy and endurance, body cleansing and, of course, whiter skin. However, its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. Glutathione is a natural antioxidant found in your liver that detoxifies your body from toxins and harmful bacteria. It is also known to reduce hyperpigmentation, dark circles and age spots. It works by…

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