How to Choose an Industrial Air Purifier

Industrial air purifier sucks the dirty air inside and pumps out clean air. It primarily uses filters that target different pollutants based on their size. Look for a high CADR rating and select one that targets a range of particles, including dust, pollen, smoke, mold spores, bacteria, and VOCs. Airborne Particles The air we breathe is a mixture of gases and solid particles. The particulate matter which makes up most of the air pollution in cities is created by industrial and vehicular emissions. It is a growing problem and has many adverse health effects such as cardio vascular disease, respiratory problems, cancers, etc. The aerosols retained on car air filters (CAFs) were analyzed for their morphology and elemental composition. The results showed that the dust accumulated on the CAFs was mainly of soil origin, with silicates being dominant. The metallic particles were mainly of Fe and Cr, indicating their source to be related to vehicle activity and anthropogenic sources. The palynological analysis of the biological particles revealed that they were associated with urban plants. An industrial air purifier removes these particles from the air to keep it clean and safe. They can also remove chemicals and odors such as those from wood-burning stoves, factories, busy roads and new paint. Bacteria Industrial air purifiers filter out bacteria, mold spores and smoke particles. They also remove dust, odors and fumes that cause respiratory illnesses. Many people work in enclosed industrial spaces and are exposed to unhealthy irritants like smoke, chemicals and microbes for long periods of time. This drives the demand for industrial air purifiers to maintain healthy indoor environments. Airborne bacteria can lead to infectious diseases such as influenza, mumps, whooping cough, tuberculosis and meningitis. They can also trigger allergies and make you feel sick. Basic health precautions, such as covering your mouth when you sneeze and washing your hands, can help prevent surface and droplet contact with germs but do not protect against airborne transmission of pathogens. Some industrial air purifiers have antimicrobial filters that kill germs and bacteria on contact, preventing them from being dislodged into the environment hours or days later. They can also sterilize the environment with UV lights that eliminate pathogens in the air. Chemicals A high-performance industrial air purifier for odor, chemical and gas removal requires more than just a HEPA filter. For odor and chemical removal, you need adsorbents like carbon or zeolite which are designed to capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals. The adsorbent type and quantity directly correlates to how well the machine removes VOCs/fumes. For example, a specialty filter impregnated with potassium permanganate, which is an additive used in natural gas leak detection, can oxidize sulfurous compounds including hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide as well as formaldehyde, acetone, ethylene and mercaptans (the “rotten egg” odor additives that are added to natural gas). These chemical filters will also collect mist and smoke, especially those created by metalworking, laser cutting and spray painting processes. But they will not collect the fine dust particles created by these machines. This fine dust must be removed by a HEPA-type filter before it can reach the chemical filter to be captured. Odor Industrial jobs like metal fabrication, food processing and welding produce smoke, fumes and fine dust particles that can lead to breathing issues. Inhaling these particles can trigger respiratory irritation and even cause serious health complications like lung damage, heart disease, nausea, dizziness, headaches and fatigue. An industrial air purifier can remove these odors and improve the overall air quality. These large air cleaners usually come with carbon filters that adsorb and neutralize harmful chemicals and odors. Many of the specialized industrial units also use ozone generators to clean the space without producing harmful chemicals or smells. When buying an industrial air cleaner, look for the CADR rating and performance details to see how much it can filter per hour. A reputable brand should also be open about their warranty, returns and service policies so you can feel confident making the purchase. Also, it’s normal for a new industrial air cleaner to emit a strong plastic smell during the first few days of operation; this is normal and will dissipate quickly.

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