A great deal on a designer bag is always tempting, but it’s a good idea to do some research first. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Check the bag for the following things: if the metal looks brassy and not gold-tone, engraved text that doesn’t look crisp and clear and more.
Michael Kors bags are some of the most popular and coveted handbags in the world. But, as the brand becomes more and more popular, counterfeiters are also stepping up their efforts to make fake versions of the original bags. Distinguishing a fake bag from a real one requires close inspection of details, especially in the lining and hardware.
Look for a lining that is both durable and high-quality. The logo should be heat-stamped, and the spacing and positioning should be perfect. Authentic Michael Kors bags also have a tag in the lining, which identifies the factory and plant where it was made.
Check that the zipper is of the same color as the lining, and that the encircled logo on the front of the bag is properly framed. Also, pay attention to the typeface used – it should be clear and have a copper tone to it.
Michael Kors bags are one of the most coveted purses in the world. However, because they are so popular, there are also a lot of fakes on the market. Luckily, there are some things you can look for to help you tell whether or not an MK bag is genuine.
The first thing to check is the lining. It should have double stitching, a signature triangle closure, and be made of high-quality materials. In addition, authentic MK bags come standard with a key ring and an attached charm that hangs off the zipper pull.
Another important feature is the logo. It should have rounded corners and feel heavy and substantial. If the logo is not centered, it is probably a fake. In addition, the typeface should have a crisp, clean look to it.
The hardware used to make an authentic Michael Kors bag should be heavy and substantial. It should also feel smooth and not like coated plastic. Look for precise stitching and neat leather tabs that conceal the handle ends. Also, real bags have zippers that snap into place and do not tuck into the leather tabs as in many fakes.
The lining of genuine Michael Kors purses includes the MK logo in a circle printed consistently on the fabric. The fabric should be the same color as the exterior leather. The fabric of the zipper pockets should also match the lining.
In fake purses, the circle logo on the lining is usually a different color. Also, the lining is often a heavier fabric than the purse’s exterior.
A real Michael Kors bag will always have hardware that feels smooth and solid. The zippers should have a smooth feel and look as well. The logo should also have sharp edges and be engraved in the metal. The metal should also feel heavy, polished and well-made. If the hardware looks cheap or sloppy, it is likely a fake.
Real MK bags don’t contain any linings that aren’t made of leather, and the lining fabric should match the exterior leather. The lining around the interior zipper pockets should also be neat and properly stitched. The writing of the logo on the lining should be in full form or with proper spacing and fonts.
The inside of the bag should feature a tag that contains the manufacturer’s code and the style number. The lettering should be heat-stamped or engraved in clear text and should not be puffy or lackluster.
Whether you are looking for a supple leather tote bag with gold-tone MK logo medallion or a slouchy cross-body bag, Michael Kors has something to suit your style. The diffusion brand MICHAEL Michael Kors effortlessly interprets the timeless glamour of New York style. From the ‘Jet Set Travel’ tote to the ‘Rhea’ backpack, this range of bags has garnered a cult following for its relaxed downtown shapes and supple leathers.
Michael Kors bags are priced on the high side, but fashion fans justify the cost by pointing to the quality of the materials used in the designs. If you are considering a bag made of leather, check the label for a “MK” monogram to avoid purchasing a counterfeit. MK bags in uk